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University of Vienna
Faculty of Mathematics
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Publications of the Faculty of Mathematics
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Podolsky, Jiri
; Steinbauer, Roland
. /
Geodesics in spacetimes with expanding impulsive gravitational waves
. In:
Physical Review D
. 2003 ; Vol. 67, No. 6.
Mauser, Norbert
; Qiu, Yangfan ; Zhang, Kaijun J. /
Global Existence and Asymptotic Limits of Weak Solutions of the Bipolar Hydrodynamic Model for Semiconductors
. In:
Monatshefte für Mathematik
. 2003 ; Vol. 140, No. 4. pp. 285-313.
Kunzinger, Michael
; Rein, Gerhard
; Steinbauer, Roland
et al. /
Global weak solutions of the relativistic Vlasov-Klein-Gordon system
. In:
Communications in Mathematical Physics
. 2003 ; Vol. 238, No. 1-2. pp. 367-378.
Neretin, Yurii. /
Groups of hierarchomorphisms of trees and related Hilbert spaces
. In:
Journal of Functional Analysis
. 2003 ; Vol. 200, No. 2. pp. 505-535.
Greschonig, Gernot ; Schmidt, Klaus. /
Growth and recurrence of stationary random walks
. In:
Probability Theory and Related Fields
. 2003 ; Vol. 125, No. 2. pp. 266-270.
Haller, Stefan
. /
Harmonic cohomology of symplectic manifolds
. In:
Advances in Mathematics
. 2003 ; Vol. 180, No. 1. pp. 87-103.
Kunzinger, Michael
; Steinbauer, Roland
; Vickers, James A. G. /
Intrinsic characterization of manifold-valued generalized functions
. In:
Mathematical proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
. 2003 ; Vol. 87, No. 2. pp. 451-470.
Schlosser, Michael
. /
Inversion of bilateral basic hypergeometric series
. In:
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
. 2003 ; Vol. 10, No. #R10. pp. 1-27.
Götz, Stefan (Editor)
; Reichel, Hans-Christian (Editor) ; Müller, Robert et al. /
Lehrbuch der Mathematik : 7. Klasse
. 4., Nachdr. ed. Wien : öbv & hpt, 2003. 300 p.
Götz, Stefan (Editor)
; Reichel, Hans-Christian (Editor) ; Hanisch, Günter et al. /
Lehrbuch der Mathematik 7 : Lösungen
. 4. ed. Wien : öbv & hpt, 2003. 96 p.
Bokanowski, Olivier ; Grebert, Benoit
; Mauser, Norbert
. /
Local density approximations for the energy of a periodic Coulomb model
. In:
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences
. 2003 ; Vol. 13, No. 8. pp. 1185-1217.
Gröchenig, Karlheinz. /
Localized Frames are Finite Unions of Riesz Sequences
. In:
Advances in Computational Mathematics
. 2003 ; No. 18. pp. 149-157.
Kraft, Johann ; Bürger, Heinrich ; Unfried, Hubert et al. /
Mathematische Formelsammlung. Nach den Lehrplänen für die allgemein bildenden höheren Schulen zur Abfassung der schriftlichen Reifeprüfung
. 9. ed. Wien : öbv & hpt, 2003. 48 p.
Bardos, Claude ; Golse, Francois ; Gottlieb, Alex D. et al. /
Mean field dynamics of fermions and the time-dependent Hartree-Fock equation
. In:
Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees
. 2003 ; Vol. 82, No. 6. pp. 665-683.
Hofbauer, Franz
; Raith, Peter
; Steinberger, Thomas. /
Multifractal dimensions for invariant subsets of piecewise monotonic interval maps
. In:
Fundamenta Mathematicae
. 2003 ; Vol. 176, No. 3. pp. 209-232.
Gröchenig, Karlheinz ; Janssen, Augustus J. E. M. ; Kaiblinger, Norbert et al. /
Note on B-Splines, Wavelet Scaling Functions, and Gabor Frames
. In:
. 2003 ; Vol. 49, No. 12.
Bao, Weizhu ; Jaksch, Dieter
; Markowich, Peter
. /
Numerical solution of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation for Bose-Einstein condensation
. In:
Journal of Computational Physics
. 2003 ; Vol. 187, No. 1. pp. 318-342.
Bao, Weizhu ; Jin, Shi
; Markowich, Peter
. /
Numerical study of time-splitting spectral discretizations of nonlinear Schrošdinger equations in the semiclassical regimes
. In:
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
. 2003 ; Vol. 25, No. 1. pp. 27-64.
Lederman, C
; Markowich, Peter
. /
On fast-diffusion equations with infinite equilibrium entropy and finite equilibrium mass
. In:
Communications in Partial Differential Equations
. 2003 ; Vol. 28, No. 1-2. pp. 301-332.
Losert, Viktor. /
On the center of group C*-algebras
. In:
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik: Crelle's journal
. 2003 ; No. 554. pp. 105-138.
Dudnikova, T V ; Komech, Alexander
; Mauser, Norbert
. /
On the Convergence to a Statistical Equilibrium for the Dirac Equation
. In:
Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics
. 2003 ; Vol. 10, No. 4. pp. 399-410.
Auinger, Karl ; Steinberg, B. /
On the extension problem for partial permutations
. In:
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
. 2003 ; Vol. 131, No. 9. pp. 2693-2703.
Jinsmaa, Y ; Okada, Y ; Tsuda, Y et al. /
Potent antinociceptive activity of novel opioid compound, bis-Dmt(KO)pyrazinone
. In:
. 2003 ; Vol. 71, No. 3. pp. 371-371.
Brandt, Hannelore ; Hauert, Christoph ; Sigmund, Karl. /
Punishment and reputation in spatial public goods games
. In:
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences
. 2003 ; Vol. 270, No. 1519. pp. 1099-1104.
Cigler, Johann. /
q-Fibonacci polynomials
. In:
The Fibonacci Quarterly: a journal devoted to the study of integers with special properties
. 2003 ; Vol. 41, No. 1. pp. 31-40.
Schmeiser, Christian ; Wang, Shu. /
Quasineutral limit of the drift-diffusion model for semiconductors with general initial data
. In:
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences
. 2003 ; Vol. 13, No. 4. pp. 463-470.
Neumaier, Arnold. /
Rational functions with prescribed global and local minimizers
. In:
Journal of Global Optimization
. 2003 ; Vol. 25, No. 2. pp. 175-181.
Neretin, Yurii. /
Rayleigh triangles and non-matrix interpolation of matrix beta integrals
. In:
Sbornik Mathematics
. 2003 ; Vol. 194, No. 3-4. pp. 515-540.
Feichtinger, Hans Georg ; Pandey, S S. /
Recovery of band-limited functions on locally compact Abelian groups from irregular samples
. In:
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
. 2003 ; Vol. 53, No. 2. pp. 249-264.
Imaikin, Valery ; Komech, Alexander
; Markowich, Peter
. /
Scattering of solitons of the Klein-Gordon equation coupled to a classical particle
. In:
Journal of Mathematical Physics
. 2003 ; Vol. 44, No. 3. pp. 1202-1217.
Sparber, Christoph
; Markowich, Peter
. /
Semiclassical asymptotics for the Maxwell - Dirac system
. In:
Journal of Mathematical Physics
. 2003 ; Vol. 44, No. 10. pp. 4555-4572.
Haller, Stefan
; Teichmann, Josef. /
Smooth Perfectness through Decomposition of Diffeomorphisms into Fiber Preserving Ones
. In:
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry
. 2003 ; Vol. 23, No. 1. pp. 53-63.
Zweimüller, Roland
. /
Stable limits for probability preserving maps with indifferent fixed points
. In:
Stochastics and Dynamics
. 2003 ; Vol. 3, No. 1. pp. 83 - 93.
Rosengren, Hjalmar
; Schlosser, Michael
. /
Summations and transformations for multiple basic and elliptic hypergeometric series by determinant evaluations
. In:
Indagationes Mathematicae
. 2003 ; Vol. 14, No. 3-4. pp. 483-513.
Neumaier, Arnold. /
Taylor forms - Use and limits
. In:
Reliable Computing
. 2003 ; Vol. 9, No. 1. pp. 43-79.
Humenberger, Johann
. /
Teaching Student Teachers: Various Components of a Complex Task.
Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science
. 2003 ; Vol. 1, No. 1. pp. 55-72.
Kriegl, Andreas ; Losik, Mark ; Michor, Peter. /
Tensor fields and connections on holomorphic orbit spaces of finite groups
. In:
Journal of Lie Theory
. 2003 ; Vol. 13, No. 2. pp. 519-534.
Hsiao, Ling
; Markowich, Peter
; Wang, Shu. /
The asymptotic behavior of globally smooth solutions of the multidimensional isentropic hydrodynamic model for semiconductors
. In:
Journal of Differential Equations
. 2003 ; Vol. 192, No. 1. pp. 111-133.
Alekseevsky, Dmitri V. ; Kriegl, Andreas ; Losik, Mark et al. /
The Riemannian geometry of orbit spaces - The metric, geodesics, and integrable systems
. In:
Publicationes Mathematicae
. 2003 ; Vol. 62, No. 3-4. pp. 247-276.
Cordero, Elena ; Gröchenig, Karlheinz. /
Time-frequency analysis of localization operators
. In:
Journal of Functional Analysis
. 2003 ; Vol. 205, No. 1. pp. 107-131.
Sigmund, Karl. /
"Was you ever bit by a dead bee?" - Evolutionary games and dominated strategies
. In:
Behavioral and Brain Sciences: an international journal of current research and theory with open peer commentary
. 2003 ; Vol. 26, No. 2. pp. 175-176.
Cap, Andreas
; Slovak, Jan. /
Weyl structures for parabolic geometries
. In:
Mathematica Scandinavica
. 2003 ; Vol. 93, No. 1. pp. 53-90.
Sparber, Christof
; Markowich, Peter
; Mauser, Norbert
. /
Wigner functions versus WKB-methods in multivalued geometrical optics
. In:
Asymptotic Analysis
. 2003 ; Vol. 33, No. 2. pp. 153-187.
Götz, Stefan
. /
Zur geometrischen Lösung eines Extremwertproblems und eine analytische Ergänzung
. In:
Praxis der Mathematik
. 2003 ; Vol. 45, No. 2. pp. 69-73.
Götz, Stefan
. /
Zur Verteilung der minimalen Differenzen der Gewinnzahlen bei Lottoziehungen : In memoriam Prof. Dr. Hans-Christian Reichel (1945 -- 2002)
. In:
Der mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Unterricht. Organ des Deutschen Vereins zur Förderung des Mathematischen und Naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts e.V.
2003 ; Vol. 56, No. 2. pp. 76-79.
Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Maria ; Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Thomas ; Laptev, Ari. /
A geometrical version of hardy's inequality
. In:
Journal of Functional Analysis
. 2002 ; Vol. 189, No. 2. pp. 539-548.
Grosser, Michael
; Kunzinger, Michael
; Steinbauer, Roland
et al. /
A global theory of algebras of generalized functions
. In:
Advances in Mathematics
. 2002 ; Vol. 166, No. 1. pp. 50-72.
Schlosser, Michael
; Milne, Stephen. /
A new A_n extension of Ramanujan's 1psi1 summation with applications to multilateral A_n series
. In:
Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics
. 2002 ; Vol. 32, No. 2. pp. 759 - 792.
Schlosser, Michael
. /
A simple proof of Bailey's very-well-poised 6ψ6 summation
. In:
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
. 2002 ; Vol. 130, No. 4. pp. 1113-1123.
Fischer, Ilse
. /
A symmetry theorem on a modified jeu de taquin
. In:
European Journal of Combinatorics
. 2002 ; Vol. 23, No. 8. pp. 929-936.
Showing entries 4551 - 4600 out of 4899
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