Publications of the Faculty of Mathematics

Showing entries 2851 - 2900 out of 4976


Dolbeault, Jean ; Mouhot, Clément ; Schmeiser, Christian. / Hypocoercivity for linear kinetic equations conserving mass. In: Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 2015 ; Vol. 367, No. 6. pp. 3807 - 3828.

Egorova, I. ; Gladka, Z. ; Lange, T. L. et al. / Inverse Scattering Theory for Schrödinger Operators with Steplike Potentials. In: Zhurnal Matematicheskoj Fiziki Analisa Geometrii. 2015 ; Vol. 11, No. 2. pp. 123-158.

Eckhardt, Jonathan ; Gesztesy, Fritz ; Nichols, Roger et al. / Inverse spectral problems for Schrödinger-type operators with distributional matrix-valued potentials. In: Differential and Integral Equations. 2015 ; Vol. 28, No. 5-6. pp. 505-522.

Krattenthaler, Christian. / Lattice Path Enumeration. Handbook of Enumerative Combinatorics. editor / Miklos Bona. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2015. pp. 589 - 678 (Discrete mathematics and its applications).

Götz, Stefan ; Süss-Stepancik, Evelyn. / Lernpfade zur Unterstützung der Ausbildung von Begründungskompetenz im Mathematikunterricht. Medienvielfalt im Mathematikunterricht: Lernpfade als Weg zum Ziel. editor / Jürgen Roth ; Evelyn Süss-Stepancik ; Heike Wiesner. Wiesbaden : Springer Spektrum, 2015. pp. 49-64

Gröchenig, Karlheinz. / Linear independence of time-frequency shifts?. In: Monatshefte für Mathematik. 2015 ; Vol. 177, No. 1. pp. 67 - 77.

Sigmund, Karl. / Mathematik an der Universität Wien. Reflexive Innensichten aus der Universität Wien: Disziplinengeschichten zwischen Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik. editor / Karl Anton Fröschl ; Gerd B. Müller ; Thomas Olechowski ; Brigitta Schmidt-Lauber. Göttingen : V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2015. pp. 459 -473 (650 Jahre Universität Wien - Aufbruch ins neue Jahrhundert, Vol. 4).

Neretin, Yurii. / Matrix beta-integrals an overview. Geometric Methods in Physics 2015 :XXXIII Workshop, Bialowieza, Poland, June 29 - July 5. editor / Piotr Kielanowski ; Pierre Bieliavsky ; Anatol Odzijewicz ; Martin Schlichenmaier ; Theodore Voronov. Birkhäuser, 2015. pp. 257-272

Davoli, Elisa ; Bufford, Laura ; Fonseca, Irene. / Multiscale homogenization in Kirchhoff’s nonlinear plate theory. In: Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences. 2015 ; Vol. 25, No. 9. pp. 1765 - 1812.

Katzarkov, Ludmil ; Dimitrov, George. / Non-semistable exceptional objects in hereditary categories: some remarks and conjectures. Stacks and catetories in geometry, topology, and algebra : CATS4 Conference on Higher Categorical Structures and Their Interactions with Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic Topology and Algebra, July 2-7, 2012, CIRM, Luminy, France. Vol. 643 Providence : American Mathematical Society, 2015. pp. 263-288 (Contemporary Mathematics (CONM)).

Kopylova, Elena. / On asymptotic stability of kinks for relativistic Ginzburg-Landau equation. International conference «Infinite-dimensional dynamics, dissipative systems, and attractors», Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation.

Fischmann, Matthias ; Krattenthaler, Christian ; Somberg, Petr. / On conformal powers of the Dirac operator on Einstein manifolds. In: Mathematische Zeitschrift. 2015 ; Vol. 280, No. 3-4. pp. 825 - 839.

Bruin, Hendrik ; Oprocha, Piotr. / On "observable" Li-Yorke tuples for interval maps. In: Nonlinearity. 2015 ; Vol. 28, No. 6. pp. 1675-1694.

Kogelbauer, Florian. / On Symmetric Water Waves with Constant Vorticity. In: Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics. 2015 ; Vol. 22, No. 4. pp. 494 - 498.

Komech, Alexander. / On the crystal ground state in the Schrödinger-poisson model. In: SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 2015 ; Vol. 47, No. 2. pp. 1001-1021.

Quirchmayr, Ronald. / On the Existence of Benthic Storms. In: Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics. 2015 ; Vol. 22, No. 4. pp. 540 - 544.

Neumaier, Arnold ; Goldsztejn, Alexandre. / On the Exponentiation of Interval Matrices. In: Reliable Computing. 2015 ; Vol. 20. pp. 53 - 72.

Schwermer, Joachim ; Kionke, Steffen. / On the growth of the first Betti number of arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifolds. In: Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics. 2015 ; Vol. 9, No. 2. pp. 531-565.

Komech, Alexander ; Merzon, A E ; De la Paz Mendez, J.E. et al. / On the Keller-Blank solution to the scattering problem of pulses by wedges. In: Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2015 ; Vol. 38, No. 10. pp. 2035-2040.

Komech, Alexander ; Merzon, A E ; Mendez, J.E. De la Paz. / On uniqueness and stability of Sobolev's solution in scattering by wedges. In: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 2015 ; Vol. 66, No. 5. pp. 2485-2498.

Gröchenig, Karlheinz (Editor) ; Lyubarskii, Yurii (Editor) ; Seip, Kristian (Editor). / Operator-Related Function Theory and Time-Frequency Analysis : The Abel Symposium 2012. Cham : Springer, 2015. 195 p. (Abel Symposia, Vol. 9).

Bauer, Martin ; Grasmair, Markus ; Kirisits, Clemens. / Optical Flow on Moving Manifolds. In: SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences. 2015 ; Vol. 8, No. 1. pp. 484-512.

Lachambre, Helene ; Ricaud, Benjamin ; Stempfel, Guillaume et al. / Optimal window and lattice in Gabor transform. Application to audio analysis. 17th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC), 2015 . editor / Laura Kovacs ; Viorel Negru ; Tetsuo Ida ; Tudor Jebelean ; Dana Petcu ; Stephen M. Watt ; Daniela Zaharie. IEEE Computer Society, 2015. pp. 109-112

Schichl, Hermann ; Sellmann, Meinolf. / Predisaster Preparation of Transportation Networks. Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2015 and the 27th Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, IAAI 2015. 2015. pp. 709 - 715

Arzhantseva, Goulnara ; Tessera, Romain. / Relative expanders. In: Geometric and Functional Analysis. 2015 ; Vol. 25, No. 2. pp. 317 -341.

Grohs, Philipp ; Obermeier, Axel. / Ridgelet methods for linear transport equations. Paper presented at 8th International Conference: CURVES and SURFACES, Paris, France.20 p.

Hofbauer, Josef ; Huttegger, Simon. / Selection-mutation dynamics of signaling games. In: games. 2015 ; Vol. 6, No. 1. pp. 2-31.

Kupka, Friedrich ; Losch, Martin ; Zaussinger, Florian et al. / Semi-convection in the ocean and in stars: A multi-scale analysis. In: Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 2015 ; Vol. 24, No. 3. pp. 343 - 358.

Sigmund, Karl. / Sie nannten sich Der Wiener Kreis : Exaktes Denken am Rand des Untergangs. SPRINGER SPEKTRUM/SPRINGER FACHMEDIEN, 2015. 357 p.

Schlosser, Michael ; Yoo, Meesue. / Some combinatorial identities involving noncommuting variables. Proceedings of FPSAC 2015: 6-10 Jul 2015 Daejeon (South Korea) . Vol. FPSAC'15 DMTCS proc., 2015. pp. 961-972

Charina, Maria ; Dahl, Geir. / Subdivision schemes, network flows and linear optimization. In: Advances in Computational Mathematics. 2015 ; Vol. 41. pp. 507-528.

Showing entries 2851 - 2900 out of 4976