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University of Vienna
Faculty of Mathematics
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Publications of the Faculty of Mathematics
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Showing entries 2001 - 2050 out of 4904
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Bruin, Henk
; Demers, Mark ; Todd, Mike. /
Hitting and escaping statistics: mixing, targets and holes
. In:
Advances in Mathematics
. 2018 ; Vol. 328. pp. 1263-1298.
Ager, Clemens ; Unterkofler, Karl ; Mochalski, Pawel et al. /
Modeling-based determination of physiological parameters of systemic VOCs by breath gas analysis, part 2
. In:
Journal of Breath Research
. 2018 ; Vol. 12, No. 3.
Ahookhosh, Masoud ; Neumaier, Arnold. /
Solving structured nonsmooth convex optimization with complexity O(ε
- 1 / 2
. In:
. 2018 ; Vol. 26, No. 1. pp. 110-145.
Eckhardt, Jonathan ; Kostenko, Aleksey. /
The Classical Moment Problem and Generalized Indefinite Strings
. In:
Integral Equations and Operator Theory
. 2018 ; Vol. 90, No. 2.
Bot, Radu Ioan
; Csetnek, Ernö Robert
. /
A forward-backward dynamical approach to the minimization of the sum of a nonsmooth convex with a smooth nonconvex function
. In:
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations
. 2018 ; Vol. 24, No. 2. pp. 463-477.
Hittmeir, Sabine
; Klein, Rupert. /
Asymptotics for moist deep convection I: Refined scalings and self-sustaining updrafts
. In:
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics
. 2018 ; Vol. 32, No. 2. pp. 137–164.
Faulhuber, Markus
. /
Minimal Frame Operator Norms Via Minimal Theta Functions
. In:
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications
. 2018 ; Vol. 24, No. 2. pp. 545–559.
Michor, Johanna
; Teschl, Gerald
; Egorova, Iryna. /
Rarefaction waves for the Toda equation via Nonlinear Steepest Descent
. In:
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A
. 2018 ; Vol. 38, No. 4. pp. 2007-2028.
Grobner, Harald
. /
Rationality results for the exterior and the symmetric square L-function (with an appendix by Nadir Matringe)
. In:
Mathematische Annalen
. 2018 ; Vol. 370, No. 3-4. pp. 1639–1679.
Eskew, Monroe
; Cody, Brent. /
Rigid ideals
. In:
Israel Journal of Mathematics
. 2018 ; Vol. 224, No. 1. pp. 343-366.
Körber, Thomas
. /
Sharp estimates for the principal eigenvalue of the p-operator
. In:
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
. 2018 ; Vol. 57, No. 2.
Astner, T. ; Gugler, J. ; Angerer, A. et al. /
Solid-state electron spin lifetime limited by phononic vacuum modes
. In:
Nature Materials
. 2018 ; Vol. 17, No. 4. pp. 313-317.
Bruin, Henk
; Terhesiu, Dalia. /
The Dolgopyat inequality in bounded variation for non-Markov maps
. In:
Stochastics and Dynamics
. 2018 ; Vol. 18, No. 2.
Servedio, Maria R.
; Bürger, Reinhard
. /
The effects on parapatric divergence of linkage between preference and trait loci versus pleiotropy
. In:
. 2018 ; Vol. 9, No. 4.
Berestycki, Nathanael
; Zhao, Lee Zhuo. /
The shape of multidimensional Brunet--Derrida particle systems
. In:
Annals of Applied Probability
. 2018 ; Vol. 28, No. 2. pp. 651-687.
Davoli, Elisa ; Liu, Pan. /
One dimensional fractional order TGV: Gamma-convergence and bi-level training scheme
. In:
Communications in Mathematical Sciences
. 2018 ; Vol. 16, No. 1. pp. 213–237.
Graf, Melanie ; Ling, Eric. /
Maximizers in Lipschitz spacetimes are either timelike or null
. In:
Classical and Quantum Gravity
. 2018 ; Vol. 35, No. 8.
Humenberger, Johann
. /
Erwartungswert und Varianz bei der Binomial- und geometrischen Verteilung -- mögliche Begründungen im Schulunterricht
. In:
Stochastik in der Schule
. 2018 ; Vol. 38, No. 1. pp. 26-32.
Boţ, Radu Ioan
; Csetnek, Ernö Robert
; Nimana, Nimit. /
An Inertial Proximal-Gradient Penalization Scheme for Constrained Convex Optimization Problems
. In:
Vietnam Journal of Mathematics
. 2018 ; Vol. 46, No. 1. pp. 53-71.
Beirao da Veiga, Lourenco ; Chernov, Alexey ; Mascotto, Lorenzo et al. /
Exponential convergence of the $hp$ virtual element method in presence of corner singularities
. In:
Numerische Mathematik
. 2018 ; Vol. 138, No. 3. pp. 581-613.
Fulgione, Andrea ; Koornneef, Maarten ; Roux, Fabrice et al. /
Madeiran Arabidopsis thaliana reveals ancient long-range colonization and claries demography in Eurasia
. In:
Molecular Biology and Evolution
. 2018 ; Vol. 35, No. 3. pp. 564–574.
Huyer, Waltraud
; Neumaier, Arnold. /
MINQ8: general definite and bound constrained indefinite quadratic programming
. In:
Computational Optimization and Applications: an international journal
. 2018 ; Vol. 69, No. 2. pp. 351-381.
Gröchenig, Karlheinz
; Romero, José Luis
; Stöckler, Joachim. /
Sampling theorems for shift-invariant spaces, Gabor frames, and totally positive functions
. In:
Inventiones Mathematicae
. 2018 ; Vol. 211, No. 3. pp. 1119-1148.
Ionescu-Kruse, Delia ; Martin, Calin Iulian. /
Local stability for an exact steady purely azimuthal equatorial flow
. In:
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics
. 2018 ; Vol. 20, No. 1. pp. 27–34.
Kopylova, Elena
. /
On global attraction to stationary states for wave equations with concentrated nonlinearities
. In:
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations
. 2018 ; Vol. 30, No. 1. pp. 107 - 116.
Cordero, Elena ; de Gosson, Maurice ; Nicola, Fabio. /
On the reduction of the interferences in the Born–Jordan distribution,
. In:
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
. 2018 ; Vol. 44, No. 2. pp. 230 - 245.
Bauer, Martin ; Bruveris, Martins ; Harms, Philipp et al. /
Soliton solutions for the elastic metric on spaces of curves
. In:
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A
. 2018 ; Vol. 38, No. 3. pp. 1161-1185.
Eckhardt, Jonathan ; Kostenko, Aleksey
; Teschl, Gerald
. /
Spectral asymptotics for canonical systems
. In:
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik: Crelle's journal
. 2018 ; Vol. 2018, No. 736. pp. 285-315.
Hörmann, Günther
. /
Wave breaking of periodic solutions to the Fornberg-Whitham equation
. In:
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A
. 2018 ; Vol. 38, No. 3. pp. 1605-1613.
Levine, Maxwell Simon. /
Weak Squares and Very Good Scales
. In:
Journal of Symbolic Logic
. 2018 ; Vol. 83, No. 1. pp. 1-12.
Akagi, Goro ; Melchionna, Stefano
; Stefanelli, Ulisse
. /
Weighted Energy-Dissipation approach to doubly nonlinear problems on the half line
. In:
Journal of Evolution Equations
. 2018 ; Vol. 18, No. 1. pp. 49–74.
Götz, Stefan
; Hofbauer, Franz. /
Ein einfacher Beweis für den Satz von FEUERBACH mit koordinatenfreien Vektoren
. In:
Mathematische Semesterberichte
. 2018 ; Vol. 65, No. 1. pp. 107-119.
Humenberger, Johann
. /
Experimente an gefüllten Prismen -- was haben Schwerpunkte damit zu tun?
. In:
Der Mathematikunterricht : Beiträge zu seiner wissenschaftlichen und methodischen Gestaltung (MU)
. 2018 ; Vol. 64, No. 1. pp. 24-34.
Humenberger, Johann (Editor)
. /
Experimente im Mathematikunterricht : Zur Einführung
. In:
Der Mathematikunterricht : Beiträge zu seiner wissenschaftlichen und methodischen Gestaltung (MU)
. 2018 ; Vol. 64, No. 1. pp. 2-3.
Giordano, Paolo
; Kunzinger, Michael
. /
A convenient notion of compact set for generalized functions
. In:
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society
. 2018 ; Vol. 61, No. 1. pp. 57-92.
Moiola, Andrea
; Perugia, Ilaria
. /
A space–time Trefftz discontinuous Galerkin method for the acoustic wave equation in first-order formulation
. In:
Numerische Mathematik
. 2018 ; Vol. 138, No. 2. pp. 389-435.
Branding, Volker
. /
An estimate on the nodal set of eigenspinors on closed surfaces
. In:
Mathematische Zeitschrift
. 2018 ; Vol. 288, No. 1-2. pp. 1-10.
Bommier Hato, Helene
; Constantin, Olivia
. /
Big Hankel Operators on Vector-Valued Fock Spaces in C-d
. In:
Integral Equations and Operator Theory
. 2018 ; Vol. 90, No. 1.
Krattenthaler, Christian ; Müller, Thomas W. . /
Free subgroup numbers modulo prime powers: the non-periodic case
. In:
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A
. 2018 ; Vol. 154. pp. 49 - 76.
Krattenthaler, Christian ; Müller, Thomas. /
Normalising graphs of groups
. In:
Monatshefte für Mathematik
. 2018 ; Vol. 185, No. 2. pp. 269-286.
Lamel, Bernhard
; Kossovskiy, Ilya. /
On the analyticity of CR diffeomorphisms
. In:
American Journal of Mathematics
. 2018 ; Vol. 40, No. 1. pp. 139 - 188.
Lazzaroni, Giuliano ; Nardini, Lorenzo. /
On the Quasistatic Limit of Dynamic Evolutions for a Peeling Test in Dimension One
. In:
Journal of Nonlinear Science
. 2018 ; Vol. 28, No. 1. pp. 269–304.
Schlosser, Michael
. /
q-Analogues of two product formulas of hypergeometric functions by Bailey
. Frontiers in Orthogonal Polynomials and q-Series. editor / Zuhair Nashed ; Xin Li. Vol. 1 New Jersey : World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2018. pp. 445-449 (Contemporary Mathematics and Its Applications: Monographs, Expositions and Lecture Notes, Vol. 1).
Schlosser, Michael
. /
Summation formulas for noncommutative hypergeometric series
. Frontiers in Orthogonal Polynomials and q-Series. editor / Zuhair Nashed ; Xin Li. Vol. 1 Singapore : World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2018. pp. 451-496 (Contemporary Mathematics and Its Applications: Monographs, Expositions and Lecture Notes, Vol. 1).
Bruin, Henk
; Terhesiu, Dalia. /
Upper and lower bounds for the correlation function via inducing with general return times
. In:
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
. 2018 ; Vol. 38, No. 1. pp. 34-62.
Bot, Radu Ioan
; Csetnek, Ernö Robert
. /
Convergence rates for forward-backward dynamical systems associated with strongly monotone inclusions
. In:
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
. 2018 ; Vol. 457, No. 2. pp. 1135-1152.
Di Nasso, Mauro ; Luperi Baglini, Lorenzo. /
Ramsey properties of nonlinear Diophantine equations
. In:
Advances in Mathematics
. 2018 ; Vol. 324. pp. 84-117.
Sulzgruber, Robin ; Thiel, Marko. /
On parking functions and the zeta map in types B, C and D
. In:
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
. 2018 ; Vol. 25, No. 1.
Haynes, Alan ; Koivusalo, Henna ; Walton, James. /
A characterization of linearly repetitive cut and project sets
. In:
. 2018 ; Vol. 31, No. 2. pp. 515 – 539.
Antonietti, Paola F. ; Mascotto, Lorenzo ; Verani, Marco. /
A multigrid algorithm for the p-version of the virtual element method
. In:
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
. 2018 ; Vol. 52, No. 1. pp. 337–364.
Showing entries 2001 - 2050 out of 4904
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