Publications of the Faculty of Mathematics

Showing entries 2451 - 2500 out of 4909


Quirchmayr, Ronald. / A new highly nonlinear shallow water wave equation. In: Journal of Evolution Equations. 2016 ; Vol. 16, No. 3. pp. 539-567.

Hirsch, Stefanie ; Ölz, Dietmar ; Schmeiser, Christian. / Existence and uniqueness of solutions for a model of non-sarcomeric actomyosin bundles. In: Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A. 2016 ; Vol. 36, No. 9. pp. 4945-4962.

Donninger, Roland ; Schörkhuber, Birgit. / On Blowup in Supercritical Wave Equations. In: Communications in Mathematical Physics. 2016 ; Vol. 346, No. 3. pp. 907-943.

Neumaier, Arnold ; Deiters, Ulrich. / The characteristic curves of water. In: International Journal of Thermophysics. 2016 ; Vol. 37, No. 9.

Bot, Radu Ioan ; Bueno, Orestes ; Simons, Stephen. / The Rockafellar Conjecture and type (FPV). In: Set-Valued and Variational Analysis. 2016 ; Vol. 24, No. 3. pp. 381-385.

Neumaier, Arnold ; Deiters, Ulrich. / Computer simulation of the characteristic curves of pure fluids. In: Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. 2016 ; Vol. 61, No. 8. pp. 2720 - 2728.

Nigsch, Eduard. / Nonlinear generalized sections of vector bundles. In: J. Math. Anal. Appl. 2016 ; Vol. 440, No. 1. pp. 183-219.

Baglini, Lorenzo Luperi. / F-finite embeddabilities of sets and ultrafilters. In: Archive for Mathematical Logic. 2016 ; Vol. 55, No. 5-6. pp. 705-734.

Bella, Angelo ; Tökgöz, Seçil ; Zdomskyy, Lyubomyr. / Menger remainders of topological groups. In: Archive for Mathematical Logic. 2016 ; Vol. 55, No. 5-6. pp. 767-784.

Shahmoon, Ephraim ; Grisins, Pjotrs ; Stimming, Hans Peter et al. / Highly nonlocal optical nonlinearities in atoms trapped near a waveguide. In: Optica. 2016 ; Vol. 3, No. 7. pp. 725-733.

1001 Genomes Consortium. / Epigenomic Diversity in a Global Collection of Arabidopsis thaliana Accessions. In: Cell. 2016 ; Vol. 166, No. 2. pp. 492-505.

1001 Genomes Consortium. / 1,135 Genomes Reveal the Global Pattern of Polymorphism in Arabidopsis thaliana. In: Cell. 2016 ; Vol. 166, No. 2. pp. 481-491.

Costin, Ovidiu ; Donninger, Roland ; Xia, Xiaoyue. / A proof for the mode stability of a self-similar wave map. In: Nonlinearity. 2016 ; Vol. 29, No. 8. pp. 2451-2473.

Onchis-Moaca, Darian ; Diaz del Rio, Fernando ; Real, Pedro. / An almost fully parallel algorithm for computing the component tree of a binary digital image based on HSF. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering: CMMSE-2016. editor / J. Vigo-Aguiar. CMMSE, 2016. pp. 1550-1554

Gröchenig, Karlheinz ; Haimi, Antti ; Romero, José Luis. / Completeness of Gabor systems. In: Journal of Approximation Theory. 2016 ; Vol. 207. pp. 283-300.

Sasaki, Tatsuya ; Okada, Isamu ; Nakai, Yutaka. / Indirect reciprocity can overcome free-rider problems on costly moral assessment. In: Biology Letters. 2016 ; Vol. 12, No. 7.

Li, Xinpeng ; Lin, Xiangyun ; Lin, Yiqing. / Lyapunov-type conditions and stochastic differential equations driven by G-Brownian motion. In: J. Math. Anal. Appl. 2016 ; Vol. 439, No. 1. pp. 235-255.

Kostenko, A. S. ; Malamud, M. M. ; Natyagailo, D. D. / Matrix Schrödinger operator with δ-interactions. In: Mathematical Notes. 2016 ; Vol. 100, No. 1-2. pp. 49-65.

Göll, Martin ; Schmidt, Klaus ; Verbitskiy, Evgeny . / A Wiener Lemma for the discrete Heisenberg group. In: Monatshefte für Mathematik. 2016 ; Vol. 180, No. 3. pp. 485-525.

Neumaier, Arnold ; Domes, Ferenc. / Linear and parabolic relaxations for quadratic constraints. In: Journal of Global Optimization. 2016 ; Vol. 65, No. 3. pp. 457-486.

Grohs, Philipp ; Keiper, Sandra ; Kutyniok, Gitta et al. / α-Molecules. In: Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 2016 ; Vol. 41, No. 1. pp. 297-336.

Neumaier, Arnold. / OSGA: A fast subgradient algorithm with optimal complexity. In: Mathematical Programming. 2016 ; Vol. 158, No. 1-2. pp. 1- 21.

Onchis-Moaca, Darian ; Diaz del Rio, Fernando ; Real, Pedro. / Computing a new topological feature for grey-level 2D digital images: the topological hole tree. 22nd Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra: ACA 2016, Kassel (Germany), August 1st-4th. Kassel : Universität Kassel, 2016. pp. 126

Ballard, Matthew ; Deliu, Dragos ; Favero, David Rudy et al. / Resolutions in factorization categories. In: Advances in Mathematics. 2016 ; Vol. 295. pp. 195-249.

Onchis-Moaca, Darian ; Real, Pedro. / On homotopy continuation for speech restoration. Computational Topology in Image Context: 6th International Workshop, CTIC 2016, Marseille, France, June 15-17, 2016, Proceedings. editor / Alexandra Bac ; Jean-Luc Mari. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016. pp. 152-156 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9667).

Kogelbauer, Florian. / On the trigonometric polynomial Ansatz for gravity water waves. In: Applicable Analysis. 2016 ; Vol. 95, No. 6. pp. 1402-1409.

Cuchiero, Christa ; Keller-Ressel, Martin ; Mayerhofer, Eberhard et al. / Affine processes on symmetric cones. In: Journal of Theoretical Probability. 2016 ; Vol. 29, No. 2. pp. 359-422.

de Gosson, Maurice A. ; Gröchenig, Karlheinz ; Romero, José Luis. / Stability of Gabor Frames Under Small Time Hamiltonian Evolutions. In: Letters in Mathematical Physics. 2016 ; Vol. 106, No. 6. pp. 799-809.

Abouzaid, Mohammed ; Auroux, Dennis ; Katzarkov, Ludmil. / Lagrangian fibrations on blowups of toric varieties and mirror symmetry for hypersurfaces. In: Publications mathématiques de l'IHÉS. 2016 ; Vol. 123, No. 1. pp. 199-282.

Showing entries 2451 - 2500 out of 4909