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University of Vienna
Faculty of Mathematics
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Publications of the Faculty of Mathematics
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Showing entries 1701 - 1750 out of 4904
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Roubíček, Tomáš
; Stefanelli, Ulisse
. /
Finite thermoelastoplasticity and creep under small elastic strains
. In:
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids
. 2019 ; Vol. 24, No. 4. pp. 1161-1181.
Dave, Shantanu
; Haller, Stefan
. /
On 5-manifolds admitting rank two distributions of Cartan type
. In:
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
. 2019 ; Vol. 371, No. 7. pp. 4911-4929.
Johnston, Matthew D.
; Müller, Stefan
; Pantea, Casian. /
A deficiency-based approach to parametrizing positive equilibria of biochemical reaction systems
. In:
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
. 2019 ; Vol. 81, No. 4. pp. 1143–1172.
Cuchiero, Christa
; Fontana, Claudio ; Gnoatto, Alessandro. /
Affine multiple yield curve models
. In:
Mathematical Finance: an international journal of mathematics, statistics and financial economics
. 2019 ; Vol. 29, No. 2. pp. 568-611.
Rainer, Armin. /
Arc-smooth functions on closed sets
. In:
Compositio Mathematica
. 2019 ; Vol. 155, No. 4. pp. 645-680.
Geevers, Sjoerd ; Mulder ; van der Vegt. /
Efficient Quadrature Rules for Computing the Stiffness Matrices of Mass-Lumped Tetrahedral Elements for Linear Wave Problems
. In:
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
. 2019 ; Vol. 41, No. 2. pp. A1041-A1065.
Garsia, Adriano
; Mellit, Anton
. /
Five-term relation and Macdonald polynomials
. In:
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A
. 2019 ; Vol. 163. pp. 182-194.
Dörfler, Monika
. /
Learning how to Listen: Time-Frequency Analysis meets Convolutional Neural Networks
. In:
International Mathematical News
. 2019 ; Vol. 73, No. 240. pp. 11-29.
Auinger, Karl ; Bors, Alexander. /
Formations of finite groups with the M. Hall property
. In:
Journal of Combinatorial Algebra
. 2019 ; Vol. 3, No. 2. pp. 113-152.
Barton, Nick
; Hermisson, Joachim
; Nordborg, Magnus. /
Population Genetics : Why structure matters
. In:
. 2019 ; Vol. 8, No. 8.
Höllinger, Ilse ; Pennings, Pleuni S.
; Hermisson, Joachim
. /
Polygenic adaptation : From sweeps to subtle frequency shifts
. In:
PLoS Genetics
. 2019 ; Vol. 15, No. 3.
Charina, Maria
; Mejstrik, Thomas
. /
Multiple multivariate subdivision schemes: matrix and operator approaches
. In:
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
. 2019 ; Vol. 349. pp. 279-291.
Hofstätter, Harald ; Koch, Othmar. /
Non-satisfiability of a positivity condition for commutator-free exponential integrators of order higher than four
. In:
Numerische Mathematik
. 2019 ; Vol. 141. pp. 681-691.
Boros, Balázs ; Hofbauer, Josef. /
Planar S-systems: Permanence
. In:
Journal of Differential Equations
. 2019 ; Vol. 266, No. 6. pp. 3787-3817.
Bespalov, Alex ; Praetorius, Dirk ; Rocchi, Leonardo et al. /
Goal-oriented error estimation and adaptivity for elliptic PDEs with parametric or uncertain inputs
. In:
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
. 2019 ; Vol. 345. pp. 951-982.
Constantin, Adrian
; Johnson, Robin. /
Atmospheric Ekman flows with variable eddy viscosity
. In:
Boundary-Layer Meteorology
. 2019 ; Vol. 170, No. 3. pp. 395-414.
Adcock, Ben ; Gataric, Milana
; Romero, Jose Luis
. /
Computing reconstructions from nonuniform Fourier samples : Universality of stability barriers and stable sampling rates
. In:
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
. 2019 ; Vol. 46, No. 2. pp. 226-249.
Merino Aceituno, Sara
; Degond, Pierre ; Vergnet, Fabien et al. /
Coupled Self-Organized Hydrodynamics and Stokes models for suspensions of active particles
. In:
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics
. 2019 ; Vol. 21, No. 1.
Koivusalo, Henna ; Rams, Michal. /
Dimension of generic self-affine sets with holes
. In:
Monatshefte für Mathematik
. 2019 ; Vol. 188, No. 3. pp. 527-546.
Bruveris, Martins ; Michor, Peter. /
Geometry of the Fisher-Rao metric on the space of smooth densities on a compact manifold
. In:
Mathematische Nachrichten
. 2019 ; Vol. 292, No. 3. pp. 511-523.
Humenberger, Johann
. /
Gerechte Apfelteilung - keine leichte Aufgabe!
. In:
Mathematische Semesterberichte
. 2019 ; Vol. 66, No. 1. pp. 101-109.
Abreu, Luis Daniel ; Groechenig, Karlheinz
; Romero, Jose Luis
. /
Harmonic Analysis in Phase Space and Finite Weyl-Heisenberg Ensembles
. In:
Journal of Statistical Physics
. 2019 ; Vol. 174, No. 5. pp. 1104-1136.
Constantin, Olivia
. /
Intermediate Hankel operators on the Fock space
. In:
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
. 2019 ; Vol. 471, No. 1-2. pp. 687-691.
Kupper, Michael ; Luo, Peng ; Tangpi Ndounkeu, Ludovic. /
Multidimensional Markovian FBSDEs with super-quadratic growth
. In:
Stochastic Processes and their Applications
. 2019 ; Vol. 129, No. 3. pp. 902-923.
Montanher, Tiago de Morais ; Neumaier, Arnold ; Markot, Mihaly et al. /
Rigorous packing of unit squares into a circle
. In:
Journal of Global Optimization
. 2019 ; Vol. 73, No. 3. pp. 547-565.
Bartl, Daniel
; Cheridito, Patrick ; Kupper, Michael. /
Robust expected utility maximization with medial limits
. In:
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
. 2019 ; Vol. 471, No. 1-2. pp. 752-775.
Schindl, Gerhard
; Jiménez-Garrido, Javier ; Sanz, Javier. /
Sectorial extensions, via Laplace transforms, in ultraholomorphic classes defined by weight functions
. In:
Results in Mathematics
. 2019 ; Vol. 74, No. 1.
Arzhantseva, Goulnara
; Berlai, Federico ; Finn-Sell, Martin et al. /
Unrestricted wreath products and sofic groups
. In:
. 2019 ; Vol. 29, No. 2. pp. 343-355.
Maaß, Jürgen
; Götz, Stefan
. /
Der Beuteflug des Habichts und das Nest der Sperbers : Einfache Modelle für einen realitätsbezogenen Mathematikunterricht
. Neue Materialien für einen realitätsbezogenen Mathematikunterricht 6. editor / Irene Grafenhofer ; Jürgen Maaß. Wiesbaden : Springer Spektrum, 2019. pp. 113-127 (Realitätsbezüge im Mathematikunterricht: ISTRON-Schriftenreihe, Vol. 6).
Ehler, Martin
; Gräf, Manuel. /
Reproducing kernels for the irreducible components of polynomial spaces on unions of Grassmannians
. In:
Constructive Approximation
. 2019 ; Vol. 49, No. 1. pp. 29-58.
Paulose, Jayson
; Hermisson, Joachim
; Hallatschek, Oskar. /
Spatial soft sweeps : Patterns of adaptation in populations with long-range dispersal
. In:
PLoS Genetics
. 2019 ; Vol. 15, No. 2.
Grant, James D. E.
; Kunzinger, Michael
; Sämann, Clemens
. /
Inextendibility of spacetimes and Lorentzian length spaces
. In:
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry
. 2019 ; Vol. 55, No. 1. pp. 133-147.
Fritzsche, B. ; Kirstein, B. ; Roitberg, I. Ya et al. /
Discrete Dirac systems on the semiaxis : rational reflection coefficients and Weyl functions
. In:
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications
. 2019 ; Vol. 25, No. 2. pp. 294-304.
Kostenko, Aleksey ; Nicolussi, Noema. /
Spectral estimates for infinite quantum graphs
. In:
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
. 2019 ; Vol. 58, No. 1.
Dias, Nuno Costa ; de Gosson, Maurice ; Prata, João Nuno. /
A refinement of the Robertson-Schrödinger uncertainty principle and a Hirschman-Shannon inequality for Wigner distributions
. In:
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications
. 2019 ; Vol. 25, No. 1. pp. 210-241.
Congreve, Scott ; Houston, Paul
; Perugia, Ilaria
. /
Adaptive refinement for hp–Version Trefftz discontinuous Galerkin methods for the homogeneous Helmholtz problem
. In:
Advances in Computational Mathematics
. 2019 ; Vol. 45, No. 1. pp. 361–393.
Bot, Radu Ioan
; Csetnek, Ernö Robert
. /
ADMM for monotone operators: convergence analysis and rates
. In:
Advances in Computational Mathematics
. 2019 ; Vol. 45. pp. 327-359.
Constantin, Adrian
; Johnson, Robin. /
Ekman-type solutions for shallow-water flows on a rotating sphere: a new perspective on a classical problem
. In:
Physics of fluids
. 2019 ; Vol. 31, No. 2.
Branding, Volker
. /
Energy methods for Dirac-type equations in two-dimensional Minkowski space
. In:
Letters in Mathematical Physics
. 2019 ; Vol. 109, No. 2. pp. 295–325.
Constantin, Adrian
; Johnson, Robin. /
Large-scale oceanic currents as shallow-water asymptotic solutions of the Navier-Stokes equation in rotating spherical coordinates
. In:
Deep-Sea Research. Part 2: Topical Studies in Oceanography
. 2019 ; Vol. 160. pp. 32-40.
Miller, Alexander R. /
On parity and characters of symmetric groups
. In:
Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A
. 2019 ; Vol. 162. pp. 231-240.
Boros, Balázs ; Hofbauer, Josef
; Müller, Stefan
et al. /
Planar S-systems: Global stability and the center problem
. In:
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A
. 2019 ; Vol. 39, No. 2. pp. 707-727.
Exl, Lukas
; Fischbacher, Johann ; Kovacs, Alexander et al. /
Preconditioned nonlinear conjugate gradient method for micromagnetic energy minimization
. In:
Computer Physics Communications
. 2019 ; Vol. 235. pp. 179-186.
Guo, Victor J. W.
; Schlosser, Michael J.
Some New q-Congruences for Truncated Basic Hypergeometric Series
. In:
. 2019 ; Vol. 11, No. 2.
Martin, Calin Iulian ; Ivanov, Rossen ; Compelli, Alan et al. /
Surface waves over currents and uneven bottom
. In:
Deep-Sea Research. Part 2: Topical Studies in Oceanography
. 2019 ; Vol. 160. pp. 25-31.
Charina, Maria ; Conti, Costanza ; Cotronei, Mariantonia et al. /
System theory and orthogonal multi-wavelets
. In:
Journal of Approximation Theory
. 2019 ; Vol. 238. pp. 85-102.
Marynets, Kateryna. /
The Antarctic Circumpolar Current as a shallow-water asymptotic solution of Euler's equation in spherical coordinates
. In:
Deep-Sea Research. Part 2: Topical Studies in Oceanography
. 2019 ; Vol. 160. pp. 58-62.
Balkenborg, Dieter ; Hofbauer, Josef ; Kuzmics, Christoph. /
The Refined Best Reply Correspondence and Backward Induction
. In:
German Economic Review
. 2019 ; Vol. 20, No. 1. pp. 52-66.
Eckhardt, Jonathan. /
Unique Solvability of a Coupling Problem for Entire Functions
. In:
Constructive Approximation
. 2019 ; Vol. 49, No. 1. pp. 123–148.
Gerstl, Matthias P
; Müller, Stefan
; Regensburger, Georg et al. /
Flux tope analysis: studying the coordination of reaction directions in metabolic networks
. In:
. 2019 ; Vol. 35, No. 2. pp. 266 - 273.
Showing entries 1701 - 1750 out of 4904
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