Publications of the Faculty of Mathematics

Showing entries 3751 - 3800 out of 5080


Heitzinger, Franz Clemens ; Bulyha, Alena ; Vasicek, Martin et al. / Optimization of nanowire DNA sensor sensitivity using self-consistent simulation. In: Nanotechnology. 2011 ; Vol. 22, No. 42. pp. 1-8.

Hrycak, Tomasz ; Das, Saptarshi ; Matz, Gerald et al. / Practical Estimation of Rapidly Varying Channels for OFDM Systems. In: IEEE Transactions on Communications. 2011 ; Vol. 59, No. 1. pp. 3040 - 3048 .

Schmeiser, Christian ; Winkler, Christoph ; Vinzenz, Marlene et al. / Reply: Visualizing branched actin filaments in lamellipodia by electron tomography. In: Nature Cell Biology. 2011.

Domes, Ferenc ; Neumaier, Arnold. / Rigorous filtering using linear relaxations. In: Journal of Global Optimization. 2011 ; pp. 1-33.

Imaykin, Valery ; Komech, Alexander ; Spohn, Herbert. / Scattering asymptotics for a charged particle coupled to the Maxwell field. In: Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2011 ; Vol. 52.

Komech, Alexander ; Spohn, Herbert ; Kopylova, Elena. / Scattering of solitons for Dirac equation coupled to a particle. In: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2011 ; Vol. 383, No. 2. pp. 265-290.

Ewing, Gregory ; Hermisson, Joachim ; Pfaffelhuber, Peter et al. / Selective sweeps for recessive alleles and for other modes of dominance. In: Journal of Mathematical Biology. 2011 ; Vol. 63, No. 3. pp. 399-431.

Bauer, Martin ; Harms, Philipp ; Michor, Peter. / Sobolev metrics on shape space of surfaces. In: Journal of Geometric Mechanics: JGM. 2011 ; Vol. 3, No. 4. pp. 389-438.

Cigler, Johann ; Krattenthaler, Christian. / Some determinants of path generating functions. In: Advances in Applied Mathematics. 2011 ; Vol. 46. pp. 144-174.

Krattenthaler, Christian ; Spiridonov, Viacheslav ; Vartanov, Grigory. / Superconformal indices of three-dimensional theories related by mirror symmetry. In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2011 ; Vol. 8, No. 6.

Hofbauer, Josef ; Sandholm, William H. / Survival of Dominated Strategies under Evolutionary Dynamics. In: Theoretical Economics. 2011 ; Vol. 6, No. 3. pp. 341-377.

Schreiber, Sebastian ; Bürger, Reinhard ; Bolnick, Daniel. / The community effects of phenotypic and genetic variation within a predator population. In: Ecology. 2011 ; Vol. 92. pp. 1582-1593.

Michor, Peter ; Rainer, Armin ; Kriegl, Andreas. / The convenient setting for quasianalytic Denjoy-Carleman differentiable mappings. In: Journal of Functional Analysis. 2011 ; Vol. 261, No. 7. pp. 1799-1834.

Martin, Calin Iulian. / The generalized dock problem. In: Applicable Analysis. 2011 ; Vol. 90, No. 5. pp. 843-859.

Ciucu, Mihai ; Krattenthaler, Christian. / The interaction of a gap with a free boundary in a two dimensional dimer system. In: Communications in Mathematical Physics. 2011 ; Vol. 302. pp. 253-289.

Hetyei, Gábor ; Krattenthaler, Christian. / The poset of bipartitions. In: European Journal of Combinatorics. 2011 ; Vol. 32. pp. 1253-1281.

Koc, Helin ; King, Julian ; Unterkofler, Karl et al. / The role of mathematical modeling in VOC analysis using isoprene as a prototypic example. In: Journal of Breath Research. 2011 ; Vol. 5.

Schmeiser, Christian ; Haskovec, Jan ; Tayeb, Mohammed Lazhar et al. / The spherical harmonics expansion model coupled to the Poisson equation. In: Kinetic and Related Models. 2011.

Schwermer, Joachim ; Vukadin, Ognjen. / The stable rank of arithmetic orders in division algebras - an elementary approach. In: L’Enseignement Mathématique. 2011 ; Vol. 57. pp. 155-163.

Hammerl, Matthias ; Sagerschnig, Katja. / The twistor spinors of generic 2- and 3-distributions. In: Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry. 2011 ; Vol. 39, No. 4. pp. 403-425.

Feichtinger, Hans Georg ; Huang, Chunyan ; Wang, Baoxiang. / Trace operators for modulation, alpha-modulation and Besov spaces. In: Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 2011 ; Vol. 30, No. 1. pp. 110-127.

Showing entries 3751 - 3800 out of 5080