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University of Vienna
Faculty of Mathematics
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Publications of the Faculty of Mathematics
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Showing entries 3751 - 3800 out of 5080
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Heitzinger, Franz Clemens ; Bulyha, Alena ; Vasicek, Martin et al. /
Optimization of nanowire DNA sensor sensitivity using self-consistent simulation.
. 2011 ; Vol. 22, No. 42. pp. 1-8.
Humenberger, Johann
. /
Parabeln und Brücken -- ein vielversprechender Brückenschlag im Mathematikunterricht.
Der Mathematikunterricht : Beiträge zu seiner wissenschaftlichen und methodischen Gestaltung (MU)
. 2011 ; Vol. 57, No. 4. pp. 22-33.
Hiptmair, R. ; Moiola, A.
; Perugia, I.
Plane wave discontinuous galerkin methods for the 2D helmholtz equation : Analysis of the P-version
. In:
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
. 2011 ; Vol. 49, No. 1. pp. 264-284.
Hrycak, Tomasz ; Das, Saptarshi ; Matz, Gerald et al. /
Practical Estimation of Rapidly Varying Channels for OFDM Systems
. In:
IEEE Transactions on Communications
. 2011 ; Vol. 59, No. 1. pp. 3040 - 3048 .
de Gosson, Maurice ; Luef, Franz. /
Preferred quantization rules: Born--Jordan vs. Weyl: the pseudo-differential point of view
. In:
Journal Pseudodifferential Operators and Applications
. 2011.
Constantin, Adrian
; Escher, Joachim ; Hung-Chu, Hsu. /
Pressure beneath a solitary water wave: mathematical theory and experiments
. In:
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
. 2011.
Luef, Franz. /
Projections in noncommutative tori and Gabor frames
. In:
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
. 2011.
Rainer, Armin. /
Quasianalytic multiparameter perturbation of polynomials and normal matrices
. In:
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
. 2011 ; Vol. 363, No. 9. pp. 4945-4977.
Dörfler, Monika
. /
Quilted Gabor frames - A new concept for adaptive time-frequency representation
. In:
Advances in Applied Mathematics
. 2011.
Fischer, Ilse
. /
Refined enumerations of alternating sign matrices: monotone (d,m)-trapezoids with prescribed top and bottom row
. In:
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics: an international journal
. 2011 ; Vol. 2. pp. 239-257.
Schmeiser, Christian ; Winkler, Christoph ; Vinzenz, Marlene et al. /
Reply: Visualizing branched actin filaments in lamellipodia by electron tomography
. In:
Nature Cell Biology
. 2011.
Gröchenig, Karlheinz. /
Representation and Approximation of Pseudodifferential Operators by Sums of Gabor Multipliers.
Applicable Analysis
. 2011 ; Vol. 90. pp. 385-401.
Dörfler, Monika
; Torresani, Bruno. /
Representation of operators by sampling in the time-frequency domain
. In:
Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing: an international journal
. 2011.
Domes, Ferenc ; Neumaier, Arnold. /
Rigorous enclosures of ellipsoids and directed Cholesky factorizations
. In:
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
. 2011 ; Vol. 32. pp. 262-285.
Domes, Ferenc ; Neumaier, Arnold. /
Rigorous filtering using linear relaxations
. In:
Journal of Global Optimization
. 2011 ; pp. 1-33.
Imaykin, Valery ; Komech, Alexander ; Spohn, Herbert. /
Scattering asymptotics for a charged particle coupled to the Maxwell field
. In:
Journal of Mathematical Physics
. 2011 ; Vol. 52.
Komech, Alexander ; Spohn, Herbert ; Kopylova, Elena. /
Scattering of solitons for Dirac equation coupled to a particle
. In:
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
. 2011 ; Vol. 383, No. 2. pp. 265-290.
Ewing, Gregory
; Hermisson, Joachim
; Pfaffelhuber, Peter et al. /
Selective sweeps for recessive alleles and for other modes of dominance
. In:
Journal of Mathematical Biology
. 2011 ; Vol. 63, No. 3. pp. 399-431.
Ehler, Martin
. /
Shrinkage rules for variational minimization problems and applications to analytical ultracentrifugation
. In:
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems
. 2011 ; Vol. 19. pp. 593–614.
Rainer, Armin. /
Smooth roots of hyperbolic polynomials with definable coefficients
. In:
Israel Journal of Mathematics
. 2011 ; Vol. 184, No. 1. pp. 157-182.
Bauer, Martin ; Harms, Philipp ; Michor, Peter. /
Sobolev metrics on shape space of surfaces.
Journal of Geometric Mechanics: JGM
. 2011 ; Vol. 3, No. 4. pp. 389-438.
Haslinger, Friedrich
; De Silva, Hannelore ; Hauert, Christoph et al. /
Social control and the social contract: the emergence of sanctioning systems for collective action
. In:
Dynamic Games and Applications
. 2011 ; Vol. 1. pp. 149-171.
Cigler, Johann ; Krattenthaler, Christian. /
Some determinants of path generating functions
. In:
Advances in Applied Mathematics
. 2011 ; Vol. 46. pp. 144-174.
Constantin, Olivia
; Ortega-Cerdà, Joaquim. /
Some spectral properties of the canonical solution operator to dbar on weighted Fock spaces
. In:
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
. 2011.
Neretin, Yurii. /
Sphericity and multiplication of double cosets for infinite-dimensional classical groups
. In:
Functional Analysis and Its Applications
. 2011 ; Vol. 45, No. 3. pp. 79--96.
Constantin, Adrian
; Varvaruca, Eugen. /
Steady periodic water waves with constant vorticity: regularity and local bifurcation
. In:
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
. 2011 ; Vol. 199.
Henze, Norbert
; Humenberger, Johann
. /
Stochastische Überraschungen beim Spiel Bingo
. In:
Stochastik in der Schule
. 2011 ; Vol. 31, No. 3. pp. 2-11.
Krattenthaler, Christian ; Spiridonov, Viacheslav ; Vartanov, Grigory. /
Superconformal indices of three-dimensional theories related by mirror symmetry
. In:
Journal of High Energy Physics
. 2011 ; Vol. 8, No. 6.
Hofbauer, Josef ; Sandholm, William H. /
Survival of Dominated Strategies under Evolutionary Dynamics
. In:
Theoretical Economics
. 2011 ; Vol. 6, No. 3. pp. 341-377.
Hörmann, Günther
; Spreitzer, Christian
. /
Symmetric hyberbolic systems in algebras of generalized functions and distributional limits
. In:
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
. 2011 ; pp. 1166-1179.
Hörmann, Günther
. /
Symmetric hyperbolic systems in algebras of generalized functions and distributional limits
. In:
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
. 2011 ; Vol. 388. pp. 1166-1179.
Hörmann, Günther
. /
The Cauchy problem for Schrödinger-type partial differential operators with generalized functions in the principal part and as data
. In:
Monatshefte für Mathematik
. 2011 ; Vol. 163, No. 4. pp. 445-460.
Schreiber, Sebastian
; Bürger, Reinhard
; Bolnick, Daniel. /
The community effects of phenotypic and genetic variation within a predator population
. In:
. 2011 ; Vol. 92. pp. 1582-1593.
Michor, Peter ; Rainer, Armin ; Kriegl, Andreas. /
The convenient setting for quasianalytic Denjoy-Carleman differentiable mappings
. In:
Journal of Functional Analysis
. 2011 ; Vol. 261, No. 7. pp. 1799-1834.
Bürger, Reinhard
; Akerman, Ada. /
The effects of linkage and gene flow on local adaptation: a two-locus continent-island model
. In:
Theoretical Population Biology
. 2011 ; Vol. 80. pp. 272-288.
Martin, Calin Iulian. /
The generalized dock problem
. In:
Applicable Analysis
. 2011 ; Vol. 90, No. 5. pp. 843-859.
Ciucu, Mihai ; Krattenthaler, Christian. /
The interaction of a gap with a free boundary in a two dimensional dimer system
. In:
Communications in Mathematical Physics
. 2011 ; Vol. 302. pp. 253-289.
Hetyei, Gábor ; Krattenthaler, Christian. /
The poset of bipartitions
. In:
European Journal of Combinatorics
. 2011 ; Vol. 32. pp. 1253-1281.
Koc, Helin ; King, Julian ; Unterkofler, Karl et al. /
The role of mathematical modeling in VOC analysis using isoprene as a prototypic example
. In:
Journal of Breath Research
. 2011 ; Vol. 5.
Mauser, Norbert
; Betz, Thomas ; Schumm, Thorsten et al. /
The Shapiro effect in atomchip-based bosonic Josephson junctions
. In:
New Journal of Physics
. 2011 ; Vol. 13.
Schmeiser, Christian ; Haskovec, Jan ; Tayeb, Mohammed Lazhar et al. /
The spherical harmonics expansion model coupled to the Poisson equation
. In:
Kinetic and Related Models
. 2011.
Schwermer, Joachim ; Vukadin, Ognjen. /
The stable rank of arithmetic orders in division algebras - an elementary approach
. In:
L’Enseignement Mathématique
. 2011 ; Vol. 57. pp. 155-163.
Grunert, Katrin. /
The transformation operator for Schrödinger operators on almost periodic infinite-gap backgrounds
. In:
Journal of Differential Equations
. 2011 ; Vol. 250, No. 8. pp. 3534-3558.
Hammerl, Matthias ; Sagerschnig, Katja. /
The twistor spinors of generic 2- and 3-distributions
. In:
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry
. 2011 ; Vol. 39, No. 4. pp. 403-425.
Sakhnovych, Oleksandr. /
Time-dependent Schrödinger equation in dimension $k+1$: explicit and rational solutions via GBDT and multinodes
. In:
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
. 2011 ; Vol. 44.
Gröchenig, Karlheinz
; Dörfler, Monika
. /
Time-Frequency Partitions and Characterizations of Modulation Spaces with Localization Operators
. In:
Journal of Functional Analysis
. 2011 ; Vol. 260. pp. 1903-1924.
Grosser, Michael (Editor)
; Kunzinger, Michael (Editor)
; Pilipovic, Stevan (Editor) et al. /
Topics in Partial Differential Equations, Harmonic Analysis, and Geometry : Proceedings of the International Conference on Generalized Functions GF 2009, Vienna, 31 August - 4 September 2009
. Taylor & Francis, 2011. (Integral Transforms and Special Functions).
Berger, Angela Susanne
; Raith, Peter
. /
Topological transitivity for a class of monotonic mod one transformations
. In:
Aequationes Mathematicae
. 2011 ; Vol. 82, No. 1. pp. 91-109.
Feichtinger, Hans Georg ; Huang, Chunyan ; Wang, Baoxiang. /
Trace operators for modulation, alpha-modulation and Besov spaces
. In:
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
. 2011 ; Vol. 30, No. 1. pp. 110-127.
Schmeiser, Christian ; Perthame, Benoit ; Vauchelet, Nicolas et al. /
Traveling plateaus for a hyperbolic Keller-Segel system with attraction and repulsion: existence and branching instabilities
. In:
. 2011.
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