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University of Vienna
Faculty of Mathematics
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Publications of the Faculty of Mathematics
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Showing entries 4201 - 4250 out of 5080
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Markowich, Peter
; Zheng, Songnu ; Wu, Hao. /
Global existence and asymptotic behavior for a semiconductor drift-diffusion-Poisson model
. In:
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences
. 2008 ; Vol. 18. pp. 443-487.
Bartier, Jean-Philippe ; Laurencot, Philippe H. /
Gradient estimates for a degenerate parabolic equation with gradient absorption and applications
. In:
Journal of Functional Analysis
. 2008 ; Vol. 254, No. 3. pp. 851-878.
Vaneeva, Olena O. ; Johnpillai, A.G. ; Popovych, Roman et al. /
Group analysis of nonlinear fin equations
. In:
Applied Mathematics Letters
. 2008 ; Vol. 21, No. 3. pp. 248-253.
Feichtinger, Hans Georg ; Weisz, Ferenc. /
Herz spaces and summability of Fourier transforms
. In:
Mathematische Nachrichten
. 2008 ; Vol. 281, No. 3. pp. 309-324.
Hanel, Clemens ; Mayerhofer, Eberhard ; Pilipovic, Stevan et al. /
Homogeneity in generalized function algebras
. In:
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
. 2008 ; Vol. 339, No. 2. pp. 889-904.
Schachermayer, Walter. /
How close are the Option Pricing Formulas of Bachelier and Black-Merton-Scholes?
. In:
Mathematical Finance: an international journal of mathematics, statistics and financial economics
. 2008 ; Vol. 18, No. 1. pp. 55-76.
Cap, Andreas
. /
Infinitesimal Automorphisms and Deformations of Parabolic Geometries
. In:
Journal of the European Mathematical Society
. 2008 ; Vol. 10, No. 2. pp. 415-437.
Hammerl, Matthias. /
Invariant prolongation of BGG-operators in conformal geometry
. In:
Archivum Mathematicum
. 2008 ; Vol. 44, No. 5. pp. 367-384.
Boyko, Vyacheslav M. ; Patera, Jiri ; Popovych, Roman. /
Invariants of solvable Lie algebras with triangular nilradicals and diagonal nilindependent elements
. In:
Linear Algebra and Its Applications
. 2008 ; Vol. 428, No. 4. pp. 834-854.
Boutet de Monvel, Anne
; Teschl, Gerald
; Egorova, Iryna. /
Inverse Scattering Theory for One-Dimensional Schrödinger Operators with Steplike Finite-Gap Potentials
. In:
Journal d'Analyse Mathematique
. 2008 ; Vol. 106. pp. 271-316.
Gröchenig, Karlheinz ; Seip, Kristian ; Kutyniok, Gitta. /
Landau's necessary density conditions for LCA groups
. In:
Journal of Functional Analysis
. 2008 ; Vol. 255. pp. 1831-1850.
Baxa, Christoph
. /
Lévy constants of quadratic irrationalities
. In:
Uniform Distribution Theory
. 2008 ; Vol. 3. pp. 147-155.
Zaitsev, Dmitri
; Lamel, Bernhard
; Mir, Nordine. /
Lie group structures on automorphism groups of real-analytic CR manifolds
. In:
American Journal of Mathematics
. 2008 ; Vol. 130, No. 6. pp. 1709-1726.
Kriegl, Andreas ; Losik, Mark ; Michor, Peter et al. /
Lifting mappings over invariants of finite groups
. In:
Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae
. 2008 ; Vol. 77, No. 1. pp. 93-122.
Lamel, Bernhard
. /
Local automorphisms of the Hilbert ball
. In:
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
. 2008 ; Vol. 136, No. 8. pp. 2815-2822.
Michor, Johanna
; Teschl, Gerald
; Gesztesy, Fritz et al. /
Local Conservation Laws and the Hamiltonian Formalism for the Ablowitz-Ladik Hierarchy
. In:
Studies in Applied Mathematics (Malden)
. 2008 ; Vol. 120, No. 4. pp. 361-423.
Popovych, Roman ; Samoilenko, Anatoly M. /
Local conservation laws of second-order evolution equations
. In:
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
. 2008 ; Vol. 41, No. 36.
Grohs, Philipp
; Wallner, Johannes. /
Log-exponential analogues of univariate subdivision schemes in Lie groups and their smoothness properties
. Paper presented at Twelfth International Conference Approximation Theory, San Antonio, United States.10 p.
Reichel, Hans-Christian (Editor)
; Humenberger, Johann (Editor)
; Litschauer, Dieter et al. /
Lösungen zu
Das ist Mathematik 1 NEU
: Lehrbuch und Aufgabensammlung für die 1. Klasse der allgemein bildenden höheren Schulen und der Hauptschulen
. Wien : Österreichischer Bundesverlag Schulbuch GmbH (ÖBV), 2008. 112 p.
Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Maria ; Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Thomas ; Tidblom, Jesper et al. /
Many-particle Hardy inequalities
. In:
Journal of the London Mathematical Society
. 2008 ; Vol. 77. pp. 99-114.
Markowich, Peter
; Zubelli, Jorge Passamani ; Perthame, Benoit. /
Mathematical methods and modeling of biophysical phenomena
. In:
Mathematical and Computer Modelling
. 2008 ; Vol. 47. pp. 663-665.
Humenberger, Johann
. /
Mathematics is not a spectator sport
. In:
Perspektiven (Stadt Wien)
. 2008 ; pp. 66-67.
Schneider, Kristan. /
Maximization principles in frequency-dependent selection models I - The twoallele case
. In:
Theoretical Population Biology
. 2008 ; Vol. 74, No. 251.
Feichtinger, Hans Georg ; HAZEWINKEL, M ; Kaiblinger, Norbert et al. /
Metaplectic operators on C^n
. In:
Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
. 2008 ; Vol. 59, No. 1. pp. 12-28.
Katzarkov, Ludmil ; Orlov, Dmitri ; Auroux, Denis. /
Mirror symmetry for weighted projective planes and their noncommutative deformations.
Annals of Mathematics
. 2008 ; Vol. 2, No. 3. pp. 867-943.
Heitzinger, Franz Clemens
; Mauser, Norbert
; Ringhofer, Christian. /
Modeling and Simulation of Field-Effect Biosensors (BioFETs) and Their Deployment on the nanoHUB
. In:
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
. 2008 ; Vol. 107, No. 012004. pp. 1-12.
Schmeiser, Christian ; Ölz, Dietmar. /
Modelling of the Actin-cytoskeleton in symmetric lamellipodial fragments
. In:
Cell Adhesion & Migration
. 2008 ; Vol. 2, No. 2. pp. 117-126.
Hofbauer, Josef ; Takahashi, Satoru ; Oyama, Daisuke. /
Monotone methods for equilibrium selection under perfect foresight dynamics.
Theoretical Economics
. 2008 ; Vol. 3, No. June 2008. pp. 155-192.
Besse, Christophe ; Carles, Rémi
; Mauser, Norbert
et al. /
Monotonicity properties of blow-up time for nonlinear Schrödinger equations: Numerical tests
. In:
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B
. 2008 ; Vol. 9, No. 1. pp. 11-36.
Rajaee, Leila ; Eshraghi, Homayoon ; Popovych, Roman. /
Multi-dimensional quasi-simple waves in weakly dissipative flows
. In:
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
. 2008 ; Vol. 237, No. 3. pp. 405-419.
Heitzinger, Franz Clemens. /
Multi-Scale Modeling and Simulation of Field-Effect Biosensors
. In:
ECS Transactions
. 2008 ; Vol. 14, No. 1. pp. 11-19.
Constantin, Adrian
. /
Nearly-Hamiltonian structure for water waves with constant vorticity
. In:
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics
. 2008 ; Vol. 10, No. 2. pp. 224-237.
Sakhnovych, Oleksandr. /
Nonisospectral integrable nonlinear equations with external potentials and their GBDT solutions
. In:
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
. 2008 ; Vol. 41, No. 15.
Burde, Dietrich
; Dekimpe, Karel ; Vercammen, Kim. /
Novikov algebras and Novikov structures on Lie algebras
. In:
Linear Algebra and Its Applications
. 2008 ; Vol. 429, No. 1. pp. 31-41.
Markowich, Peter
; Sparber, Christof ; Huang, Zhongyi. /
Numerical Simulation of the nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with multidimensional periodic Potentials
. In:
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation: a S I A M interdisciplinary journal
. 2008 ; Vol. 7, No. 2. pp. 539-564.
Krattenthaler, Christian ; Rivoal, Tanguy. /
On a linear form for Catalan's constant
. In:
South East Asian Journal of Mathematics & Mathematical Sciences
. 2008 ; Vol. 6, No. 2. pp. 3-15.
Sakhnovych, Oleksandr ; Sakhnovich, Lev Aronovich. /
On a mean value theorem in the class of Herglotz functions and its applications
. In:
The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra
. 2008 ; Vol. 17. pp. 102-109.
Fritzsche, Bernd ; Kirstein, Bernd ; Sakhnovych, Oleksandr. /
On a new class of structured matrices related to the discrete skew-self-adjoint Dirac systems
. In:
The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra
. 2008 ; Vol. 17. pp. 473-486.
Airault, Helene ; Neretin, Yurii. /
On action of the Virasoro algebra on the space of univalent functions
. In:
Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques
. 2008 ; Vol. 132, No. 1. pp. 27-39.
Schlosser, Michael
; Kornwinder, Tom H. /
On an identity by Chaundy and Bullard. I
. In:
Indagationes Mathematicae
. 2008 ; Vol. 19, No. 2. pp. 239-261.
Komech, Alexander ; Buslaev, Vladimir ; Stuart, David et al. /
On asymptotic stability of solitary waves in nonlinear Schrödinger equation
. In:
Communications in Partial Differential Equations
. 2008 ; Vol. 33, No. 4. pp. 669-705.
Komech, Alexander ; Vainberg, Boris ; Kopylova, Elena. /
On dispersive properties of discrete 2D Schrödinger and Klein-Gordon equations
. In:
Journal of Functional Analysis
. 2008 ; Vol. 254, No. 8. pp. 2227-2254.
Sims, Robert ; Schmied, Michael
; Teschl, Gerald
. /
On the Absolutely Continuous Spectrum of Sturm-Liouville Operators with Applications to Radial Quantum Trees
. In:
Operators and Matrices
. 2008 ; No. 3. pp. 417-434.
Teschl, Gerald
. /
On the Approximation of Isolated Eigenvalues of Ordinary Differential Operators
. In:
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
. 2008 ; No. 136. pp. 2473-2476.
Markowich, Peter
; Carles, Rémi ; Sparber, Christoph. /
On the Gross-Pitaevskii equation for trapped polar quantum gases
. In:
. 2008 ; Vol. 21. pp. 2569-2590.
Constantin, Adrian
. /
On the non-dimensionalisation, scaling and resulting interpretation of the classical governing equations for water waves
. In:
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics
. 2008 ; Vol. 15. pp. 58-73.
Schachermayer, Walter. /
Optimal risk sharing for law invariant monetary utility functions
. In:
Mathematical Finance: an international journal of mathematics, statistics and financial economics
. 2008 ; Vol. 18, No. 2. pp. 269-292.
Chemetov, N. V. ; Monteiro Marques, M. D.P.
; Stefanelli, U.
Ordered non-convex quasi-variational sweeping processes
. In:
Journal of Convex Analysis
. 2008 ; Vol. 15, No. 2. pp. 201-214.
Krattenthaler, Christian ; Müller, Thomas. /
Parity patterns associated with lifts of Hecke groups
. In:
Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg
. 2008 ; Vol. 78. pp. 99-147.
Constantin, Adrian
. /
Particle trajectories in linear deep-water waves
. In:
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications
. 2008 ; Vol. 9, No. 4. pp. 1336-1344.
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