Mathematical Colloquium

The Mathematical Colloquium is an event series that hosts inaugural lectures as well as guest lectures. Upcoming events are announced below.

 Past Mathematical Colloquium
13.03.2024 14:45

Stable rank in commutative ring theory

Sophie Frisch (TU Graz)

06.03.2024 15:15

A Tropical Edrei theorem

Konstanze Rietsch (King's College London)

17.01.2024 15:15

Regularisation of tomographic inverse problems through multiresolution systems

Tatiana A. Bubba (University of Bath)

14.12.2023 15:30

An homage to Eugenio Calabi

Jean-Pierre Bourguignon


04.12.2023 11:40

CANCELLED - Critical phenomena through the lens of the Ising model

Hugo Duminil-Copin (Universität Genf)

29.11.2023 15:15

The symplectic topology of singularities

Ailsa Keating (Universität Wien)