Mathematical Colloquium

The Mathematical Colloquium is an event series that hosts inaugural lectures as well as guest lectures. Upcoming events are announced below.

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 Past Mathematical Colloquium
22.11.2023 15:15

Optimization algorithms in the Quest of Theoretical Questions

Yurii Malitskyi (Universität Wien)

08.11.2023 15:15

The Mathematics of wave turbulence

Pierre Germain (Imperial College London)

18.10.2023 15:15

Regularisation by noise in stochastic analysis

Máté Gerencsér (TU Wien)

11.10.2023 15:15


Ivar Ekeland (CEREMADE)

04.10.2023 15:00

Women of Mathematics from around the world. A gallery of portraits


21.06.2023 13:00

Mathematisches Doppelkolloquium

Persi Diaconis (Stanford), José A. Scheinkman (Columbia University)