Mathematical Colloquium

The Mathematical Colloquium is an event series that hosts inaugural lectures as well as guest lectures. Upcoming events are announced below.

 Past Mathematical Colloquium
25.01.2017 16:15

Kazhdan-Lusztig Theory

Wolfgang Soergel (Univ. Freiburg), Mathematisches Kolloquium

25.01.2017 15:00

Ebene, Raum, Algebra und Symmetrie

Wolfgang Soergel (Univ. Freiburg), Junior Kolloquium

24.01.2017 10:30

Random cracks in space

Wendelin Werner (ETH Zürich), a.o. Mathematisches Kolloquium

18.01.2017 16:15

Bilevel Optimization and Applications in Imaging

Michael Hintermueller (Berlin), Mathematisches Kolloquium

11.01.2017 16:15

On traffic modeling and the Braess paradox

Helge Holden (NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Mathematisches Kolloquium

11.01.2017 13:15

On the Abel Prize in Mathematics– Would Abel have received the Abel Prize?

Helge Holden (NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Junior Kolloquium