Mathematical Colloquium

The Mathematical Colloquium is an event series that hosts inaugural lectures as well as guest lectures. Upcoming events are announced below.

 Past Mathematical Colloquium
27.04.2017 14:00

The Regge family of finite elements:structure-preserving elements for metrics

Douglas Arnold (Univ. of Minnesota)

19.04.2017 15:00

On structure results for intertwining operators

Wilhelm Schlag (Univ. of Chicago)

05.04.2017 16:15

Radon, Lera, Gelfand

Simon Gindikin (Rutgers Univ.), Mathematisches Kolloquium

22.03.2017 16:15

The random graph

Peter Cameron (Univ. of St. Andrews), Mathematisches Kolloquium

22.03.2017 14:15

Monodromy and derived equivalences

Andrei Okounkov (Columbia Univ.), Mathematisches Kolloquium

22.03.2017 13:00

The ADE affair

Peter Cameron (Univ. of St. Andrews) Junior Kolloquium