The Pauli-Poisson equation and its semiclassical limit

23.03.2022 14:30 - 15:00

Jakob Möller (University of Vienna)

Abstract: The Pauli-Poisson equation is a semi-relativistic description of electrons under the influence of a given linear (strong) magnetic field and a self-consistent electric potential computed from the Poisson equation in 3 space dimensions. It is a system of two magnetic Schrödinger type equations for the two components of the spinor, coupled by the additional Stern-Gerlach term of magnetic field and spin represented by the Pauli matrices.
We introduce the equation and study its semiclassical limit towards a semi-relativistic Vlasov equation with Lorentz force coupled to the Poisson equation.
We use Wigner transform methods and a mixed state formulation, extending the work of Lions-Paul and Markowich-Mauser on the semiclassical limit of the Schrödinger-Poisson equation.


SFB 65, DK

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