Irreversible Markov Dynamics and Hydrodynamics for KPZ Phase in the Stochastic Six Vertex Model

02.03.2022 16:45 - 17:45

Matthew Nicoletti (MIT)

Abstract: We introduce a family of Markov growth processes on discrete height functions defined on the 2-dimensional square lattice. Each height function corresponds to a configuration of the six vertex model on the infinite square lattice. We focus on the stochastic six vertex model corresponding to a particular two-parameter family of weights within the ferroelectric regime. 

The Markov processes we construct preserve the KPZ pure states in the full plane. We also show that the same processes put on the torus preserve arbitrary Gibbs measures for generic six vertex weights (not necessarily in the ferroelectric regime).

Our dynamics arise naturally from the Yang–Baxter equation for the six vertex model via its bijectivisation. The dynamics we construct are irreversible; in particular, the height function has a nonzero average drift. In each KPZ pure state, we explicitly compute the average drift (also known as the current) as a function of the slope. We use this to analyze the hydrodynamics of a non-stationary version of our process acting on quarter plane stochastic six vertex configurations.

M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli
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