Group theory and nonlocal games

08.11.2022 15:00 - 17:00

William Slofstra (Waterloo)

Nonlocal games are simple games used in quantum information to explore the power of entanglement. They are closely connected with Bell inequalities, which have been in the news recently as the subject of this year's Nobel prize in physics. In this talk, I'll give an overview of a class of nonlocal games called linear system nonlocal games, which are particularly interesting from the point of view of group theory, in that every linear system nonlocal games has an associated group which controls the perfect strategies for the game. The associated groups are finite colimits of finite abelian groups, and exploring this class of groups from the perspective of nonlocal games gives rise to a number of interesting results and problems in group theory. For the introductory talk, I'll cover some of the background concepts that come up: pictures of groups, residual finiteness, and hyperlinearity (if time permits, I may sketch the construction of a group with superpolynomial hyperlinear profile).


G. Arzhantseva, Ch. Cashen
