Sofic entropy and surjunctive dynamical systems

25.10.2022 15:00 - 17:00

Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein (U. Sannio)

A dynamical system is a pair \((X,G)\), where \(X\) is a compact metrizable space and \(G\) is a countable group acting by homeomorphisms of \(X\). An endomorphism of \((X,G)\) is a continuous selfmap of \(X\) which commutes with the action of \(G\). A dynamical system \((X, G)\) is said to be surjunctive if every injective endomorphism of \((X,G)\) is surjective. When the group \(G\) is sofic, the combination of suitable dynamical properties (such as expansivity, nonnegative sofic topological entropy, weak specification, and strong topological Markov property) guarantees that (X,G) is surjunctive. I'll explain in detail all notions involved, the motivations, and outline the main ideas of the proof of this result obtained in collaboration with Michel Coornaert and Hanfeng Li.


The live talk in SR 10 will also be streamed on Zoom.

Join Zoom meeting ID 613 8691 2732 or via the link below.

Passcode: A group is called an ________ group if it admits an invariant mean. (8 letters, lowercase)


G. Arzhantseva, Ch. Cashen


SR 10, 2. OG., OMP 1