The infinite Ramsey theorem states that given any coloring of all pairs of natural numbers into two colors, there is an infinite subset of natural numbers in which all pairs have the same color. When moving from sets to relational structures, some surprising phenomena occur: The prototypical example is that there is a coloring of pairs of rational numbers into two colors such that both colors persist in any subset of the rationals forming a dense linear order (Sierpiński, 1933). Likewise for colorings of edges in the Rado graph (Erdős–Hajnal–Pósa, 1975). The study of optimal bounds for finite colorings of copies (or embeddings) of a finite substructure inside an infinite structure is the subject of big Ramsey degrees. Optimal bounds are connected with structural expansions which produce analogues of the infinite Ramsey theorem; the pursuit of the optimal structural expansions has led to new connections between logic and structural Ramsey theory.
This talk will introduce big Ramsey degrees, key examples, and components intrinsic to their characterizations, and touch on infinite-dimensional structural Ramsey theory ties in with topological Ramsey spaces. We will discuss various proof methods, including Milliken’s strong tree theorem, Harrington’s forcing proof of the Halpern-Läuchli Theorem, coding trees and forcing Ramsey theorems on them, parameter words, and others.
The motivation for and progress of Ramsey theory on infinite structures are intrinsically intertwined with problems and methods in logic, including first-order logic, set theory, model theory, and computability theory. The expository paper [1] provides a gentle introduction to infinite structural Ramsey theory and an overview of the area. A plethora of other references will be included in the talk.
[1] N. Dobrinen, “Ramsey theory of homogeneous structures: Current trends and open problems”. 2022 ICM—International Congress of Mathematicians. Vol. 3. Sections 1–4,1462–1486. Edited by D. Beliaev and S. Smirnov, EMS Press, Berlin, 2023.