Quasi-Isometries for certain Right-Angled Coxeter Groups

29.03.2022 15:00 - 17:00

Alexandra Edletzberger (Vienna)

We will introduce a construction of a specific graph of groups, the so-called JSJ tree of cylinders, for certain right-angled Coxeter groups (RACGs) in terms of the defining graph.
We will use this as a tool in the hunt for a solution to the Quasi-Isometry Problem of certain RACGs, because if there is a quasi-isometry between two RACGs, there is an induced tree isomorphism between the respective JSJ trees of cylinders. In particular, this tree isomorphism preserves some additional structure of the JSJ tree of cylinders. With this fact at hand we can distinguish RACGs up to quasi-isometry.
Additionally, we explain that in certain cases this structure preserving tree isomorphism even provides a complete quasi-isometry invariant.


This will be a hybrid talk. There will be a live talk on-site that will also be streamed on Zoom. 

Join Zoom Meeting 640 1767 6658 or via the link below.

Passcode: A group is called an ________ group if it admits an invariant mean. (8 letters, lowercase)




G. Arzhantseva, Ch. Cashen, Y. Lodha


SR 10, 2. OG., OMP 1