Start of the Vienna Master Class Mathematical Physics (MCMP)


The MCMP, a joint initiative of the Faculties of Physics and Mathematics, starts with the summer term 2019. It invites students of the Master programs "Physics" and "Mathematics" at the University of Vienna to conduct their Master studies with a focus on Mathematical Physics on a highly competitive level.

The Vienna Master Class Mathematical Physics (MCMP) is aimed at highly-motivated students with a Bachelor’s degree in either Mathematics or Physics with the ambition to systematically study a variety of mathematical methods and acquire a strong intuition for the relevant physical theories and questions.

It consists of a series of independent lectures and seminars from both faculties on the subject of Mathematical Physics. The lecture courses offer a variety of topics reaching from General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, and String Theory to Differential Geometry, Functional Analysis, and Advanced Partial Differential Equations.

The MCMP is an initiative within the master programs "Mathematics" and "Physics" at the University of Vienna.