Stable large and local large deviation for deterministic dynamical systems

18.11.2022 17:00 - 18:00

Dalia Terhesiu (University of Leiden)

Abstract: While large deviation  for i.i.d. random variables in the domain of a stable law are classified, the results in the dependent case are very scarce. Optimal stable local large deviation for i.i.d. random variables has only been recently obtained.

In this talk I will explain how to generalize this type of results via analytic arguments  to large classes of dependent random variables, with application to systems of interest such as Lorentz gases. The results on local large deviations are joint work with Ian Melbourne and  Françoise Pène. Large deviation for the dependent case (with application to Gibbs Markov maps) is joint work with Jonny Imbierski.

H. Bruin

HS 13, 2. OG., OMP 1