Special Aronszajn trees and Kurepa trees

28.06.2024 17:30 - 19:00

Marlene Koelbing (University of Vienna)

My thesis is about special Aronszajn trees and Kurepa trees. First, I show that it follows from the existence of a supercompact cardinal and an inaccessible cardinal above that it is consistent that all aleph_2-Aronszajn trees are special, there are such, and there is no aleph_1-Kurepa tree and no aleph_2-Kurepa tree.
Then I show that, assuming omega many supercompact cardinals, it is consistent that for all 0 < n < omega, all aleph_n-Aronszajn trees are special and there exist such, and there are no aleph_n-Kurepa trees.
Finally, I extend this result to a global version about all Aronszajn trees on successors of regular cardinals and all Kurepa trees on regular cardinals, using a proper class of supercompact cardinals.






Fakultät für Mathematik, Dekan Radu Ioan Boţ


HS 2, EG, OMP 1