Non-convex variational problems emerging in nonlinear elasticity

30.03.2022 14:00 - 14:45

Mohammad Reza Pakzad (University of Pittsburgh)

Abstract: We will present the variational model of the 3d incompatible elasticity and discuss some plate models obtained in the limit of vanishing thickness as the <mi mathvariant=""normal"">&#x0393;</mi>" role="presentation">-limit of this model or its variants. We will examine basic questions of existence, unicity/multiplicity and regularity related to the derived models. The non-convexity of the constraints prevents the standard methods of the calculus of variations from being effective in finding answers. We will review a few problems, resolved or open, which arise in this context, regarding the derived models or their function spaces of admissible deformations.


SFB 65, DK

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