Model Theory of Henselian Valued Fields

18.11.2022 15:00 - 15:45

Franziska Jahnke (WWU Münster)


Abstract: We study first-order properties in henselian valued fields building on classical work by Ax-Kochen and Ershov. The guiding principle is that the first-order theories of (sufficiently) well-behaved henselian valued fields are governed by those of the residue field and of the value group. We show Ax-Kochen/Ershov type theorems for unramified henselian valued fields with imperfect residue field and for perfectoid fields. As a consequence, we obtain a generalization of the Theorem of Fontaine-Wintenberger, allowing the transfer a multitude of elementary properties between a perfectoid field of characteristic 0 and its tilt (and vice versa).

The talk contains results obtained in joint work with Sylvy Anscombe and Konstantinos Kartas.




Fakultät für Mathematik, Dekan R. I. Bot

SR 12, 2. OG, OMP 1