Liouville and JT quantum gravity

01.03.2022 14:00 - 15:00

Thomas Mertens (Gent U)


Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss recent progress in understanding quantum gravity amplitudes in Liouville and JT gravity. We focus on two main results: the Liouville gravity results can be viewed as q-deformations of the JT answers, and Liouville gravity can be written as a 2d dilaton gravity model with a sinh dilaton potential.

These facts can be linked when using the Poisson-sigma model framework. We end with some prospects towards understanding generic dilaton gravity models. Based on arXiv:2109.07770 and earlier work.


NB: Max 30 people

TU Wien und Mathematische Physik
Sem.R. DA, gruen 05 (TU Wien, Freihaus, 5th floor)