From disordered systems to the mathematics of data science

13.03.2024 10:00 - 11:00

Antoine Maillard (ETH Zürich)


I will introduce a connection between statistical learning or high-dimensional inference, and models of statistical mechanics in which a large number of elementary units interact with each other in a disordered manner. This relationship is the basis of a vast mathematical program leveraging tools and insights from the physics of disordered systems to improve our understanding of high-dimensional probabilistic models, with applications e.g. in machine learning and constraint satisfaction problems. I will then detail concrete examples of this program by presenting recent advances concerning the phase retrieval problem, as well as a challenging open problem of high-dimensional probability known as the ellipsoid fitting conjecture.



Zoom link and passcode can be found at the Mathematics of Machine Learning and Data Science seminar

M. Neuman. S. Schmutzhard-Hoefler