Fakultätsöffentliche Präsentationen

14.03.2025 13:15 - 14:45


Vorsitz: Andreas Cap

Phillip Bachler: "Coherent Quantum Field Theory", Advisor: Arnold Neumaier

Darius Erös: "Synthetic Lorentzian Geometry and Non-smooth Differential Geometry", Advisor: Michael Kunzinger

Julia Hörmayer: "Alternating Sign Matrices and the Combinatorics of Symmetric Polynomials", Advisor: Christian Krattenthaler

Fabián Levicán Santibánez: "Refined Ehrhart theory and projective coinvariant algebras", Advisors: Ilse Fischer & Balazs Szendroi

Julian Ziegler Hunts: "Definability and bounds in the solution of algebraic differential equations over the field of transseries", Advisor: Matthias Aschenbrenner

A. Cap

SR 01, EG, OMP 1