Fakultätsöffentliche Präsentation der Doktoratsthemen

26.01.2024 14:00 - 15:30

Here are details on the public presentations of thesis projects on January 26, starting at
14:00. Then session will be held in presence in SR 15 (OMP 1, 3rd floor). The room is not
completely easy to find, you have to use the staircase in the end of the building opposite
to our tower, one can pass through on level two or below.

14:00 Dimitri Bytchenkoff: "Characterisation of linear bounded operators on co-orbit spaces using tensor
        products of localised frames"     Advisor: P. Balazs
14:30 Zlata Tabachova: "Supply Chain Shock Propagation and Financial Stability During Crises",
        Advisors: J. Menche, S. Thurner
15:00 Thi Lan Nhi Vu: "Mathematical Modelling and Multiframe Imaging for Medical Ultrasound",
        Advisor: O. Scherzer

SR 15 (OMP 1, 3rd floor)