Approximation by Sets of Shifted Dilates in Invariant Banach Spaces

28.03.2022 15:00 - 16:30

Anupam Gumber

We show that well-established methods from the theory of Banach modules and time-frequency analysis allow to derive completeness results for the collection of shifted and dilated version of a given (test) function in a quite general setting. While the basic ideas show strong similarity to the arguments used in a recent paper by V. Katsnelson we extend his results in several directions, both relaxing the assumptions and widening the range of applications. There is no need for the Banach spaces considered to be embedded into (L2(R), ||.||2), nor is the Hilbert space structure relevant. We choose to present the results in the setting of the Euclidean spaces, because then the Schwartz space S(Rd) (d ≥ 1) of tempered distributions provides a well-established environment for mathematical analysis. This is a joint work with Hans G. Feichtinger.

M. Faulhuber and K. Gröchenig
SR 10 (2nd floor)