Event Calendar

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
2 3 4
The Black Hole Threshold
DAHA and Dyck path algebras
5 6 7 8
Linking Microscopic Processes to the Macroscopic Rheological Properties in Inert and Living Soft Materials
Linking Microscopic Processes to the Macroscopic Rheological Properties in Inert and Living Soft Materials
Linking Microscopic Processes to the Macroscopic Rheological Properties in Inert and Living Soft Materials
The mass angular momentum inequality
Linking Microscopic Processes to the Macroscopic Rheological Properties in Inert and Living Soft Materials
Stability results for random monotone cellular automata
Linking Microscopic Processes to the Macroscopic Rheological Properties in Inert and Living Soft Materials
The direct method of the calculus of variations
Linking Microscopic Processes to the Macroscopic Rheological Properties in Inert and Living Soft Materials
Linking Microscopic Processes to the Macroscopic Rheological Properties in Inert and Living Soft Materials
Linking Microscopic Processes to the Macroscopic Rheological Properties in Inert and Living Soft Materials
Linking Microscopic Processes to the Macroscopic Rheological Properties in Inert and Living Soft Materials
Linking Microscopic Processes to the Macroscopic Rheological Properties in Inert and Living Soft Materials
19 20
Signature of càdlàg rough paths: universal properties and applications in finance
21 22
Spin-Orbit Entangled Quantum Magnetism
Spin-Orbit Entangled Quantum Magnetism
Spin-Orbit Entangled Quantum Magnetism
Spin-Orbit Entangled Quantum Magnetism
Spin-Orbit Entangled Quantum Magnetism
Transferable Neural Network Wavefunctions
Dimensions of projected sets and measures on typical self-affine sets
Amorphic complexity, tameness, and nullness of substitution shifts
Post-Lie algebra structures and decompositions of Lie algebras
Locally maximizing orbits for billiards
28 29
High-dimensional methods in stochastic and multiscale PDEs
Sampling in Spaces of Variable Bandwidth
1 2 3 4 5 6
04.09.2024 14:00

The Black Hole Threshold

David Hilditch (CENTRA, University of Lisbon)

04.09.2024 17:00

DAHA and Dyck path algebras

Chiara NOVARINI (University of Vienna)

09.09.2024 09:00

Linking Microscopic Processes to the Macroscopic Rheological Properties in Inert and Living Soft Materials


11.09.2024 11:00

The mass angular momentum inequality

Gilbert Weinstein, Ariel University

12.09.2024 14:00

Stability results for random monotone cellular automata

Réka Szabó (University of Groningen)

13.09.2024 09:00

The direct method of the calculus of variations

Mgr. dr. Wojciech Górny (University of Vienna)

20.09.2024 10:30

Signature of càdlàg rough paths: universal properties and applications in finance

Francesca Primavera (University of Vienna)

23.09.2024 09:00

Spin-Orbit Entangled Quantum Magnetism


27.09.2024 14:00

Transferable Neural Network Wavefunctions

Michael Scherbela (University of Vienna)

27.09.2024 14:15

Dimensions of projected sets and measures on typical self-affine sets

Cai-Yun Ma (BME Budapest)

27.09.2024 15:30

Amorphic complexity, tameness, and nullness of substitution shifts

Elzbieta Krawczyk (Jagiellonian University Krakow)

27.09.2024 16:00

Post-Lie algebra structures and decompositions of Lie algebras

Mina Monadjem (University of Viernna)

27.09.2024 17:00

Locally maximizing orbits for billiards

Daniel Tsodikovich (IST Austria)

30.09.2024 09:00

High-dimensional methods in stochastic and multiscale PDEs


30.09.2024 10:30

Sampling in Spaces of Variable Bandwidth

Beatrice Andreolli (University of Vienna)