On the duality between height functions and continuous spin models

23.03.2023 14:00 - 16:00

Marcin Lis (TU Wien)

Abstract: We revisit the classical phenomenon of duality between random integer-valued height functions with positive definite potentials and abelian spin models with O(2) symmetry. We use it to derive new results in quite high generality including: a universal upper bound on the variance of the height function in terms of the Green's function (a GFF bound) which among others implies localisation on transient graphs; monotonicity of said variance with respect to a natural temperature parameter; the fact that delocalisation of the height function implies a BKT phase transition in planar models; and also delocalisation itself for height functions on periodic ``almost'' planar graphs.

This is joint work with Diederik van Engelenburg.

M. Lis (TU Wien)

BZ 2, 2. OG., OMP 1