>The Online Travel Requests (Business Trips) may be undertaken only bei faculty staff without system access. 

A Travel Request (Business Trip) is deemed to have taken place when an employee travels to a location outside the place of work in order to carry out a work assignment issued by the University of Vienna (cf. § 62 KV). Accordingly, a Travel Request (Business Trip) can only be granted on behalf of the university. Through the authorisation, the employees receive a legitimate absence from the workplace. According to § 62 para 2 KV, Travel Requests (Business Trips) begin with the departure from the place of work, if they are started from there, otherwise with the departure from the employee's nearest home, which is necessary for the trip. Travel Requests (Business Trips) end with the return to the place of work or with the return to this dwelling necessary for the trip.


  1. Travel request (Business trip) application and, if applicable, application for international A1 certificate for posting on business (EU member states/EFTA, Switzerland, GB; exception: DE) to be completed independently by applicants (AUP/WUP) on the online paper form and sent for approval of WUPs of the Institute of Mathematics to the service e-mail address: reisekosten.mathematik@univie.ac.at, in the case of WUPs in the project area (third-party funded area) to the responsible project leader.
  2. Inform the WUPs of the Institute of Mathematics or the WUPs in the project area (third-party funded area) about approval or non-approval by reisekosten.mathematik@univie.ac.at or by the responsible project manager.
  3. Transmission of the approved business trip online application by reisekosten.mathematik@univie.ac.at or by the responsible project leader to the service-email address: reisekosten.personal@univie.ac.at.
  4. The approved travel request (business trip) application must reach the Personnel Administration-Travel Expenses Department (Ms. Hwasta) at least two weeks before the start of the trip.
  5. In the case of an application for an international A1 certificate for posting on business, the applicant must send the approved travel request application including the approved on business application for an international A1 certificate for posting to the service e-mail address: zwischenstaatliche.sv@bvaeb.at including to him/herself. For more details, see A1 Certificate for posting on business.


  • The start of the journey is only possible after approval has been given.
  • The commencement of a travel activity without prior approval constitutes an unjustified absence from work and may result in consequences under labour and social security law.
  • In addition, there is no entitlement to reimbursement of expenses.
  • Subsequent recording of the leave of absence via HRFI is not possible. 

Business trips, travel for research and/or teaching purposes and travel within the framework of third-party funded projects must be carried out in accordance with the principles of economic efficiency, expediency, economy, social and ecological sustainability and legality, whereby the CO2 footprint should be kept as low as possible. Accordingly, public transport should preferably be used. The University of Vienna requests its staff to give preference to rail travel over air travel and to refrain as far as possible from travelling by motorised vehicles. 


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